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作者:上海华美整形医院 http://www.textandy.com/ 更新时间:11-05 来源:上海整形美容医院 进入项目答疑区


Dr. Mohsen MFDS 国际口腔种植科高级手术式顾问口腔种植牙医生(D.D.S/M.D)ICOI国际成员英国皇家口腔颌面外科科骨干英国皇家外科医学院牙科博士




Mohsen qualified from Guy’s, Kings and St Thomas Dental Institute London in 2001 having completed a 5 year dental training course. Mohsen was awarded the prestigious membership of Faculty of Dental Surgery by the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2005 following completion of extensive postgraduate training and examinations. Mohsen is an Invisalign Certified doctor. Mohsen’s special interests are in cosmetic dentistry and root canal treatment. He has extensive experience of dental implants and cosmetic ceramic crowns and Veneer’s. He has carried out well over one thousand ceramic restorations and has been on many postgraduate courses。