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毛里其奥 维埃尔医生(Dr. Maurizio Viel)

作者:上海华美整形医院 http://www.textandy.com/ 更新时间:01-14 来源:上海整形美容医院 进入项目答疑区

  中文简历毛里其奥 维埃尔医生(Dr. Maurizio Viel)美容整形医师  地点:迪拜语言:意大利语 英语 医学总会(英国)登记号码:3451915  毛里其奥医生在“迪拜保健城市”的迪拜医院,他获得了意大利的米兰大学的医学学位并在英国伦敦完成了美容整形外科的学手术研究。毛里其奥医生和他的兄弟至1990年在伦敦哈利街做整形医生。毛里其奥医生是世界上较为认可的整容整形医生与美容医生之一和脱销的《维埃尔美丽圣经》的合著者在国际美容代表大会上发表演讲。二十多年来,这对双胞胎兄弟一直肩负着开拓和引进较好的美容整形手术程序的责任,这些程序直到今天不仅是患者而且也是全球各大医疗公司在培训医生方面不断追求的。毛里其奥医生和维埃尔医生是把高需求的超声波吸脂手术带入世界的整形医生之一,他们也为欧洲和中东地区阴茎整形开始手术式;他们还曾经是隆胸和面部回春手术的先祖。维埃尔医生一直在为减少整形不舒适感,让患者看起来拥有更自然的美而不断奋斗。  资格证书  -迪拜保健城市医疗执业执照-伦敦和爱尔兰医疗从业注册证-意大利 米兰大学颌面部手术医生资格证-麦德公司 易普森公司 高德美公司的外部顾问 伙伴关系和会员资格  -美国整形外科学会-英国整形医师外科协会-意大利整容协会-意大利面部整形协会-国际美容外科医学美容院-索谢达 阿根廷脂肪修复会名誉委员-伦敦皇家医学协会 国家手术获准  -迪拜,阿拉伯联合酋长国-英国-爱尔兰-意大利

  英文简历Dr. Maurizio VielCosmetic Surgeon  Location: DubaiLanguages: Italian, EnglishGeneral Medical Council (UK) registration number: 3451915  Dr Maurizio is permanently based at our Dubai clinic based in Dubai Healthcare City. He obtained his medical degree at the University of Milan, Italy, and finished his studies in aesthetic plastic surgery in London, UK. He has been practicing as a plastic surgeon on Harley Street, with his twin brother, Dr Roberto Viel since 1990. Dr Maurizio is a speaker at international aesthetic congresses as he is one of the world’s most recognised plastic surgeons and beauty specialist and is co-author of the sold out ‘The Viel’s Beauty Bible’. For more than 20 years, the twin brothers have been responsible for pioneering and introducing most of the plastic surgery procedures that are available today making them sought after not only by patients but by medical corporations to help train other surgeons and doctors globally.Dr Maurizio and Dr Roberto were among the first surgeons to introduce into the market the highly demanded VASER liposuction procedure used all over the world; and they also pioneered techniques for the penoplasty procedure in Europe and Middle East; and they have also been at the forefront of breast augmentation procedures and facial rejuvenation. Always striving to offer patients the best and latest procedures but reducing downtime and discomfort, Dr Viel has always pushed boundaries for patient care but with the best possible natural results.Qualifications  - License to practice in Dubai Healthcare City- Certificate of Full Registration as Medical Practioner in UK and Ireland- Certified as a specialist in Maxillo Facial Surgery, University of Milan, Italy- External consultant for Q-MED, IPSEN and GALDERMA Fellowships and Memberships  - American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery- British Association of Cosmetic Surgeons- Societa di Chirugia Estetica Italiana- Societa Italiana di Chirugia Maxillo-Facciale- International Academy of Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine- Sociedad Argentina de Lipoplastia, Honorary Member- Royal Society of Medicine, LondonCountries Licensed to Practice Surgery  - Dubai, UAE- United Kingdom- Ireland- Italy

相关介绍链接:莫里吉奥教授 罗伯托Viel教授罗伯特 维埃尔医生(Dr. Roberto Viel)毛里其奥 维埃尔医生(Dr. Maurizio Viel)