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作者:上海华美整形医院 http://www.textandy.com/ 更新时间:11-03 来源:上海整形医院 进入医生答疑区

From left to right:  Robert Goldwyn, MD (long time chief editor for PRS - American Journal Plastic Reconstructive Surgery),  Fu-Chan Wei, MD, FACS ( Dean of Medical School Chang Gung University Taipei, Taiwan),  从左到右世界著名整形医生,美国整形重建外科杂志主编(美国)  长庚大学医学院院长,世界著名整形医生(台湾 )

专业培训和工作经历 路兹小姐1985年毕业于德国汉堡大学医学院并同时在德国获医师资格.1986年,在成功的完成了论文答辩后(脑垂体肿瘤的治),她获得了临床医学博士学位.   1992年,她获得了普外医生资格.她随后访问了著名的整形外科医院(Canniesburn hospital)(位于英国格拉斯哥),留下继续深造并于1995年在德国获得整形外科医生资格.   出于对显微重建整形外科的巨大兴趣,她放弃了在德国的主治职位,选择在显微外科进一步深造,由德国政府提供奖学金,她在世界知名的台北长庚纪念医院显微外科研究院继续深造和临床研究.

路兹小姐在主持国际学手术会议(国际整形重建美学外科大会,由世界整形外科协会主办)  See title beneath picture. IPRAS is International Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery (World Association of Plastic Surgery Associations)   1998年,她学完回德国,作为整形外科医师任职于德国汉诺威大学医院.   1999年后,为了更好的发挥她在显微血管外科方面的特点及继续深入学手术研究,她接受了瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学医院的工作邀请,她在此期间是负责头颈及乳房再造的主要整形医生,她的出色工作及学手术成就为她赢得了全球性的知名度,包括我国已故著名断肢再植之父陈中伟教授等都给予很高的评价.在这期间,路兹小姐还以客座教授的身份应聘于巴西,同时造访了多家世界知名整形外科去拓宽她的美容整形外科知识和技能.她于2005年受邀于London 著名的美容整形医院,她的主要专业方向是胸腹美容整形,在London期间,她一跃成为较著名的美型医生,为BBC主持等各种知名人士整形,慕名而来的有世界各地.被同行戏称为"美容整形皇后".   学手术研究   除了她的出色的临床工作,路兹小姐还对外周神经再生领域有着深入的研究,她于2004年又以优异的论文答辩获得了瑞典医学科学博士学位.   路兹小姐组织和参加了上百次国家及全球课程及示范讲解.其中包括显微血管再造和乳房外科.她先后在87次国际学手术会议上宣读她的论文,并15次作为会议主席主持国际学手术会议.另外,她在国际专业性的杂志上发表论文63篇包括学手术书籍.她还是4家国际专业整形再造外科杂志审核委员.

专业学手术组织成员   她是下列国家的专业学会会员:   德国、瑞典、美国整形外科学会,德国手外科学会,美国显微再造外科学会,世界显微再造外科学会.英国美容整形外科协会并担任该协会的学手术秘书.   医师注册   路兹小姐分别获得了德国,瑞典,挪威的普外、整形和手外科医师注册.在英国获得了普外和整形外科医生的注册资格,她在GMC(General Medical Council)的注册号码是6117519.   语言   英语,德语,瑞典语.   在长期理论研究和大量临床案例积累的基础上,加之对女性形体美学的敏感和思考,路兹小姐建立了独特的整形美学理念: 强调充分利用个体组织条件,个性化整形,重塑的身体部分与整体自然保持和谐一致的美学效果.   路兹小姐参与编审的国际学手术杂志:   Member of the International Editorial Board of the Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery: Chief Editor B.Strauch, New York   (重建显微外科杂志) 国际编委   Member of the international Editorial Board of the Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, Editor M. Thatte, Mumbai, India, since 2003.   ( 印度整形外科杂志)国际编委   Reviewer for the Journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Editor Rod J. Rohrich, USA, since 2005.   (整形重建外科杂志)审委   Reviewer for the Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, Editor Robert Myers, since May 2006.   (外周神经系统杂志) 审委   Academic Secretary of the British Association of Cosmetic Surgeons since 2009.   英国美容整形外科协会学手术秘书.


raining & Appointments Ms. Lutz qualified as medical doctor in Germany in 1985. She achieved the MD for her doctoral thesis about a treatment form of pituitary adenomas in 1986.   In 1992 she qualified as specialist in general surgery and after a short visit at the famous Dept. of Plastic Surgery at the Canniesburn Hospital in Glasgow, she continued her training and qualified as specialist in Plastic Surgery in 1995 in Germany.   Because of her great interest in reconstructive micro surgery, she then did not seek for a consultant position, but started a microsurgical fellowship at the renowned Dept. of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, in Taipei, Taiwan.   In 1998, she returned to Germany and was appointed as Senior Consultant Plastic Surgeon at the University Hospital Hanover.   To emphasize the micro vascular aspects of her work and to continue her research, she accepted a position as Senior Consultant Plastic Surgeon in Sweden in 1999, where she stayed until 2005. During this time, Ms. Lutz was mainly responsible for Head & Neck reconstructions as well as for breast reconstructions.   In 2005, Ms. Lutz left Sweden and spent several months as visiting professor in Brazil. During this time she also visited several world known plastic surgeons to deepen her knowledge in cosmetic surgery, which is her primary field in London since September 2005. Research   Additionally to her clinical work Ms. Lutz has done extensive research in the area of peripheral nerve regeneration In 2004 she defended her thesis about different aspects of   Ms. Lutz has organized and/or participated in numerous National and International courses and workshops, which included microvascular reconstructions and breast surgery. She presented her works at 87 Congresses and chaired several sessions. Additionally she published 63 International publications including book chapters. She is member of the review boards in 4 International Plastic Surgery Journals including the prestigious Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Affiliations   She is a member of the German, Swedish, and American Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery; the German Society of Hand Surgery, and the American and World Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery . In the UK she is affiliated to the Registrations   Ms. Lutz is registered as general, plastic and hand surgeon in Germany, Sweden, and is registered on the GMC Specialist Register (general surgery, plastic surgery) in the UK.   Languages spoken fluently   English, German, Swedish   Her particular interest in Plastic Surgery emphasizes on modelling parts of the body inpidually to the tissues possibilities and wishes of the respective patient in harmony with the entirety of the body. This includes especially the breast, tummy and face.
